njfps 21st century

Preparing Students for the 21st Century and Beyond!

The Partnership for the 21st Century targets six learning and thinking skills vital to students entering the workforce of this generation:

  • critical thinking and problem solving skills
  • collaboration skills
  • communication skills
  • information and media literacy skills
  • creativity and innovation skills
  • contextual learning skills

As forward-thinking educators, we agree that these are all important goals to set for our students, but at times we may find that it is difficult, if not impossible, to address all of them within the constraints of classroom and curriculum. How can we train the leaders of tomorrow to be prepared for the problems that will face them in the future? One solution is Future Problem Solving.

Founded more than 45 years ago by creativity pioneer Dr. E. Paul Torrance, the Future Problem Solving Program International (FPSPI) stimulates critical and creative thinking skills, encourages students to develop a vision for the future, and prepares students for leadership roles. FPSPI engages students in creative problem solving within or outside the curriculum. This program also allows students annual competitive opportunities with more than 50,000 students around the globe from Singapore to New Zealand to the USA.

New Jersey Future Problem Solving is actively recruiting new coaches, teams, and individual competitors in grades 4-12 to expand our state affiliate. This highly-engaging program is flexible—it can be run as an in-school class (as part of a social studies program, an elective, or G&T offering), as an after-school or club program, or even as a community organization. Students of all types are eligible to participate: public, private, charter, and even home-schoolers. Students may compete in teams or as individuals in a variety of components including creative writing “Scenario Writing,” story telling "Scenario Performance, real-life “Community Problem Solving,” and research-based “Global Issues Problem Solving.” 

NJFPS represents a great value in gifted &talented education. Students can register for a year’s worth of Global Issues  competition for as little as $60 per Individual or $130 for a team of 4-6, Creative Writing individual $30, Story Telling Individual $30 and Community Projects Team or Individual $160. Registration costs include all competition materials, access to the FPS Online Evaluation System, which includes detailed evaluation and feedback after each of the stages of competition. Coaches can receive extensive training and support provided by a veteran of the program.

For more information information about our program, please visit www.njfps.org or our parent organization at www.fpspi.org. If you are interested in attending coaches’ training, please contact NJFPS Executive Director, Laurel Petersen at fpspnj@gmail.com or 908-217‐0002; let us help you start this exciting program in your area. New Jersey Future Problem Solving is dedicated to preparing students for the 21st century and beyond!